10 Quick-Time Events That Made Video Games BETTER
7. Finger Gun Battle - Tales From The Borderlands
Tales From The Borderlands is, in my opinion, the best of Telltale’s adventure titles. It’s silly, it’s emotional, and it’s riddled with quicktime events.
The best of these quicktime events is the finger gun battle. In this section you play as Rhys, well, you play as Rhys disguised as Hugo Vasquez. In your attempt to escape the Hyperion building you’ll come up against some disgruntled accountants who won’t let you get by without a fight. A finger gun fight, that is.
This scene exemplifies what’s so great about Tales From The Borderlands and why it stands out in Telltale’s lineup. You’ll use arrow keys and button presses to faux shoot your way through the arena, taking human shields who get shot by finger gun bullets, leaping into cover (from nothing) and lobbing fake grenades. It’s an absolute blast that culminates with you mowing down a sea of employees and then imaginary knifing a dude with an imaginary rocket launcher.
I’d originally scripted to say that last bit to camera but I’d really rather you get to watch it for yourself than watch me explain it. Do yourself a favour and play it if you haven’t.