10 Quick-Time Events That Ruined Great Video Game Moments

8. The Final Boss Fight - Mercenaries 2

Mercenaries 2

Mercenaries 2 was pure cathartic fun. In no other games could you complete a mission for a faction, be paid a couple million, buy a nuke and proceed to nuke that faction's headquarters simply because you could. It was like Just Cause but with everything being destructible. And whilst the game was a little rough around the edges, it stood by one of the core tenants of video game development and made it a fun game. Which makes the end boss fight painful to play.

The game was bombastic up until this point and whilst it hadn't really focussed on boss fights, it allowed the player options. But the final boss fight was just a poorly executed quick time event. One that was unnecessarily difficult and just boring. The game even had you flying to the boss fight in a helicopter whilst The Ride of The Valkyries played.

It was epic, yet fell flat at the last hurdle.

A common and frankly far too popular option developers continue to take, unless your game has been built around QTEs, the final boss should NEVER be based on them. A final boss is the test of a player's skill in using the mechanics of the game, not how quick they can press a button.

It ruins the flow of the game, does less and less for immersion and simply ruins what could be a good, satisfying climax.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.