10 Quick-Time Events That Ruined Great Video Game Moments

7. Far Too Often - Tomb Raider

tomb raider 2013
Crystal Dynamics

Tomb Raider as a franchise has employed the use of quick time events more and more as the series progressed. The first major use was in Tomb Raider legend in which is was more fun to fail the QTE and watch Lara get clotheslined by a low-hanging roof. While they were fun to fail, they added nothing and detracted from the actual game by just being... meh.

However, the point in which the series truly began to overuse and misuse them was in Tomb Raider, the reboot. Having to mash buttons to scramble up a wall or press a bunch of buttons to stop men from beating Lara is both frustrating, and completely removes any dramatic tension these moments should've had.

There are some scenes that don't require interaction and can play out on their own. Forcing the player to take control of meaningless and dull animations just ruins any requisite weight. It's almost insulting that developers don't trust players to have the same emotional reaction to a traumatic scene if they don't have some arbitrary interaction with it.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.