10 Quick-Time Events That Ruined Great Video Game Moments

6. Ropeburn Fight - Mirror's Edge

Mirror's edge ropeburn

Mirror's Edge employed a singular use of a quick time mechanic throughout it's entire run time but somehow managed to make it such an egregious example that it finds itself on its list. You might be wondering how a game would create such an abominable QTE, and the answer is by having a QTE but not cluing the player into the fact that it's a QTE.

At the end of the mission Ropeburn, you face off against the titular Ropeburn in a fight. He comes at you with a lead pipe, and you are expected to press the triangle/Y button to disarm him. Whilst you might argue the fact that it glows red (the same colour employed to signal the ability to disarm regular enemies) frankly, it doesn't hold much weight.

The game expects the player to react with the incredible timing to a completely optional mechanic that can clunky to operate at the best of times and all without any prompt beyond a red glow. It's a QTE that doesn't want to call itself a QTE making it exceptionally frustrating.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.