10 Quick-Time Events That Ruined Great Video Game Moments

4. "Jason!" (And Other Pointless Things) - Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain
Quantic Dream

This game took the idea of a quick time event and ran it into the ground. For every gut-wrenching moment of character drama, there was an unnecessary door-opening QTE. It was excessive in its use and made the game a chore to play.

Indeed, for a game like Heavy Rain (something comprised of quick-time events) to land itself on this list is quite damning, and in all fairness, the game has quite a few exceptional uses of the mechanic. Forcing the player to cut their character's finger off through a series of complex QTE's was inspiringly horrific. But we're not talking about those examples, we're talking about 'Press X to Jason'.

However, having to contort your hands just to rock a baby to sleep took away from the pacing, especially when some of the simplest movements required a severe degree of finger flexibility. It watered down the good moments and made the game incredibly dull and repetitive.

Getting to those excellent scenes required hand gymnastics that were just needlessly frustrating.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.