10 Quick-Time Events That Ruined Great Video Game Moments

3. The Navarro Fight - Uncharted

Uncharted final boss navarro
Naughty Dog

Uncharted garners some leniency considering the fact that it has a somewhat decent shootout before the actual final boss, but still, it isn't great. The game used light fighting mechanics when battling foes up-close anyway, so the sudden change to an interactive cutscene is baffling. It would have been better, not to mention easier, to just have a regular fist fight.

The series had its foray into quick time events further along the line too, but managed to seamlessly integrate them into the brawling part of gameplay. They may have been clunky to begin with, but as the games progressed, the fighting became fluid, despite being based on a QTE here.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.