10 Rare Video Game Achievements For Killing EVERYONE

Leave no one alive... for the achievement, of course!

Prey 2017 Ending
Arkane Studios

When it comes to killing in video games, there are three defining ways in which gamers think about it: it's a choice, it's fun, or it's a challenge.

If you subscribe to the last school of thought, then you've probably attempted to kill all NPCs (or your own party of characters) in a game you were playing before, to see if it's possible, and to make an interesting challenge out of it.

However, although killing EVERYONE can be a tricky and sometimes excruciatingly painful task, you don't really get anything out of it.

Or do you?

Well, it turns out that some games do have rewards for those who manage to follow their homicidal tendencies to a tee and kill everyone they can.

Either by emptying the whole game off NPCs or failing so catastrophically that you kill off all of your playable characters, these games don't let your mass sacrifice be for nothing and honor your impressive (if slightly disturbing) feat with an achievement.

The amount of death necessary to obtain these achievements ranges from huge to astronomical, so they're naturally pretty rare. However, if you've got an insatiable bloodlust for some virtual carnage, be sure to check the following list!

10. Kill 'Em All - Turbo Overkill

Prey 2017 Ending
Apogee Entertainment

Turbo Overkill is an intense first-person shooter in which you play as a cybernetically enhanced one-man army fighting through actual armies of enemies.

If the title didn't make it obvious already, the game is carnage-gallore, requiring you to kill enemies by the hundreds. And if you want to earn the aptly named "Kill 'Em All" achievement... Well, you're going to have to kill 'em all!

Yes, one of the hardest achievements in the game requires you to kill every enemy in every level, leaving every section empty and lifeless.

The achievement is difficult not only due to the number of massacres you have to commit but also because you have to be very diligent about it. Since everyone needs to die, you have to check every nook and cranny of every level to make sure you haven't let any unfortunate souls escape your judgment.

Because of this, the process of obtaining the achievement can be quite tedious, but at the same time, you are guaranteed to feel like the Grim Reaper incarnate all the way through.

Somehow, calling it Turbo Overkill still feels like an understatement.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.