10 Rare Video Game Achievements For Killing EVERYONE

9. Rise Of The Machines - Stellaris

Prey 2017 Ending
Paradox Interactive

Stellaris is a science fiction-themed grand strategy by Paradox Interactive. In the game, you get to create your own star-faring empire, some of which are more genocidal than others.

One of the special empire types you can play as is the Determined Exterminators—a collective of rogue machines that took a lesson from the numerous portrayals of evil AI in sci-fi media and decided to eradicate all sentient life forms from the galaxy.

The task is quite ambitious (on top of being totally disturbing) but if you manage to commit the unthinkable act of leaving the entire galaxy devoid of life, you are awarded the "Rise of the Machines" achievement.

To clarify, the achievement isn't as simple as conquering all the organic empires in the game. You also have to ensure that all aliens on the planets you seize are exterminated by getting processed into biofuel for your robotic armies or simply killed en-masse with a planet-killer laser.

It's an absolutely brutal and diabolical way of playing, but considering the difficulty of a galaxy-sized genocide, it makes sense you'd get an achievement for pulling it off.

Skynet would be proud!

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.