10 Rare Video Game Achievements For Killing EVERYONE

6. This Is THE End - Until Dawn

Prey 2017 Ending
Supermassive Games

Back when Until Dawn was released, Supermassive Games, the studio behind the game, made a huge deal about there being 256 endings, including one where every single survivor dies.

Well, they must have been really proud of that last one, especially because there is an achievement for creating this exact scenario.

Called "This is THE End," the achievement requires you to kill off every single playable character under your command, including Josh, despite him being more of a side character.

Although death in Until Dawn is as easy as letting all of your characters fail their QTEs and make all the wrong decisions, it can be quite tricky to get it, as sometimes it's hard to decide which choice is the worst for the particular survivor.

If you manage to do everything wrong and don't make it through the night, however, the game will grant you a consolation prize in the form of an achievement.

Now, it's consolation not because everyone you were in charge of keeping alive died, but because the ending you get this way is kind of underwhelming.

Well, you win some, you lose some.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.