10 Rare Video Game Console Variants You Might Actually Own

8. Toys R Us Exclusive Gold N64

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The Nintendo 64 was sold in a wide variety of "funtastic" colour schemes during its lifetime, with everything from the standard black system to Fire Orange and Jungle Green variations hitting the shelves.

None were nearly as cool, though, as the exclusive Gold edition.

Complete with matching gold controllers, this collector's edition was understandably much sought after at launch, having only released in Japan as the Gold Edition, and in North America as the Toys R Us (RIP Geoffrey) Exclusive Gold Edition (to the chagrin of European gamers).

With so many different coloured versions of the N64 out there, and with the N64 system itself one of the more ubiquitous retro systems with modern sellers, don't be too surprised if this gold edition has found its way into more homes than you'd reasonably expect.

If, however, you are one of the many who have not yet picked up this coveted collectors' piece but are desperate to add one to your collection, all is not lost.

Whilst a mint in box North American Toys R Us Edition can set you back up to £700, the more readily available Japanese gold edition can be picked up online for as little as £80 or £90.


Jedi Knight, last son of Krypton, backwards-compatible gaming nerd, Dark Knight of Teesside...