10 Rarest PS4 Trophies

Fishing, cheese, and unspeakable horrors await.

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Grasshopper Manufacture

One of the coolest features consoles have ever included is the ability to see what percentage of other players have gotten a game's trophies.

Not only does it let you know what trophies you might struggle to get, but it also tells you what achievements you have that you can consider bragging rights for getting - especially if your friend happens to have the same game, but not the same trophy.

In fact, some trophies are insanely rare, with the rarest having been obtained by 0.1% of the player base, which is insane when the game involved is one as well played as Fortnite. Many people consider getting one of these trophies a badge of honour - and often for good reason, as many require superhuman feats to get.

However, it's also worth saying that many of these games may not continue to be 0.1% rarity for long, as - for example - totally completing Super Meat Boy has become so popular with streamers and people who like to suffer that the trophy for this has gone up to a whopping 0.2%.

But while these trophies may not remain in the most rare percentage, there's no doubt that they'll still remain obscure forever - because they're either fiendishly difficult, in a game no longer played, or so downright weird that you'd have never thought to get it.


Note: ALL trophy rarities are 0.1% at time of writing.

10. Metahuman - Injustice

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Now, there are some fair reasons that the rate of players achieving trophies on the PS4 is so low - namely, that most interested potential players likely played it on the PS3, and so moved onto Injustice 2 with the release of the PS4.

But it's still slightly surreal that Metahuman trophy is so rare, given that - in theory - you'd think people would get it simply out of curiosity, since Injustice is now available on PS Now for your gaming pleasure.

Metahuman is obtained by doing every special move with every character. Understandably, this sounds like a lot, but given you can do all of it in practice mode, it doesn't take goliath efforts.

Or, rather, it seems that way initially. Then a sudden, awful fact is revealed; there are variants within the same special move.

Basically, some moves have three different versions - for example, Green Arrow's character power can generate three different types of arrows, and each needs to have appeared for you to have "properly" done the special move.

This means countless people have done what they thought would get them the trophy, only to abandon it thinking it's broken, totally unaware they were so close to getting it.

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