10 Rarest Video Game Deaths You Didn't Know Existed

Deaths so rare, you won't even know what hit you!

Detroit become human
Quantic Dream

Death is a common element of most video games, whether it's a cartoonish fall from a platform or a gory and overly detailed murder. It's effectively an indicator of your failure or a punishment for doing things the wrong way.

However, not every death you experience in games needs to be a source of regret. Sometimes, letting your character die can be something to be proud of instead.

You see, in some games, developers like to include secret and extremely rare cases of death that can happen only if you manage to do something out of the ordinary. The death still leads to a game over or punishment, but the fact you were able to experience it already puts you in a small group of lucky individuals who managed to discover a well-kept secret.

These types of deaths can be a lot of fun to uncover, and they put an interesting spin on an otherwise grim and disappointing situation.

Whether you're falling victim to chance, a rare encounter, or an unlikely adversary, you should consider yourself lucky because the following deaths don't happen to everybody.

Although they're the end of your character's journey, they're the begging of your bragging rights for discovering them.

10. Death By Flies - The Sims 2

Detroit become human

The Sims 2 features a ton of little mysteries that surprise and wow you the more you explore the game.

However, only one such mystery has managed to maintain its ambiguity so well that even now, more than a decade later, fans of the game still speculate whether or not it's real—the infamous death by flies.

The death by fly is an extremely rare case of death that has a 0.1% chance to occur to any Sim living on a lot littered with unwashed plates swarming with flies. The unlucky Sims who manage to trigger it experience a gruesome death where the flies encircle them and then devour them alive.

The reason why this death has remained such a big mystery among the fans is because it has an extremely low chance of triggering, and on top of that, it has very specific triggers, requiring you to fill up your lot with more than ten unwashed plates of spoiled food and making your Sim walk over the clouds they are generating.

Honestly, if you just want to kill a Sim, you're better off going with the classic pool without ladders method.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.