10 Rarest Video Game Deaths You Didn't Know Existed

9. Shark Attack - Grand Theft Auto IV

Detroit become human

Since the majority of your time in Grand Theft Auto V is either spent on land or in the skies, the water-based activities tend to stay mostly unexplored, including the many custom death scenes related to the treacherous depths of Los Santos oceans.

On top of the regular death by drowning, GTA V includes deaths by the feral fauna of the sea, most noticeably the San Andreas tiger shark, which appears on the map so rarely (due to the apex predator going almost extinct in the GTA lore) that there is actually an achievement for dying to it.

If you're unlucky enough to have one appear (or lucky if you're hunting for the achievement), the shark will show up on your map as a red dot, which will instantly start moving towards you until it finally reaches you and then mauls you to death with one fast but vicious attack.

The animation of getting ground up by the shark's jaws is absolutely brutal and definitely worth getting an achievement for it, considering it will probably traumatize so much, you won't be going to the beach any time soon.

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Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.