10 Rarest Xbox Achievements

7. Christmas Party - Payday 2: Crimewave Edition

Banjo Rare Replay thumbnail
Starbreeze Studios

Rarity: 0.02%

The Stealing Xmas heist is one of the most infrequently fully completed heists in Payday 2 - largely because some of the achievement you could get in it were entirely surreal, and not at all the kind of thing you'd automatically think to do without reading all of the potential trophies.

Take, for example, the Christmas Party achievement, which had you zip-tie ten civilians and then place them near the Christmas tree in the level. It's not the most impossible task by any means, but - unless you were just totally messing about playing with friends - you'd never just think to do it, whereas many other achievements can be accidentally gained.

You also have to wonder to what extent people didn't get this one because, where other achievements could make you feel like a hardened criminal who can do the impossible, these made you feel like a rascally, rascally elf.

Well, a rascally elf who occasionally gets into a shoot out with the police, but I guess none of us are perfect.


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