10 Real Endings Hidden In DLC

1. Asura's Wrath

The Callisto Protocol

And finally, we have perhaps the single most egregious example on this list - Asura's bloody Wrath.

The main game wraps up - and we use that term liberally - on a cliffhanger that was apparently intended to set up Asura's Wrath 2, but after the game posted underwhelming sales, Capcom decided instead to hurriedly conclude the story with a DLC pack released a few months later.

Here's the thing, though - the episode pack containing the game's final four chapters, which actually gives Asura's Wrath a pretty definitive ending, is really good. 

It's just a shame that, rather than tell a contained story, Capcom hedged their bets on a sequel - a bet that didn't pan out, after which they then had the cheek to charge players to see how the story actually closed out.

Even though Asura's Wrath is one of the more niche games listed, it remains infamous among players for being one of the more blatant examples of a game's proper ending being held at arm's length until a later date.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.