10 Real Life Jobs Made INFINITELY Better By Video Games

6. Cleaner (Viscera Cleanup Detail)

Viscera Cleanup Detail

Originally, I was disappointed that this game wasn’t about cleaning up WWE legend Viscera and all his rolls of flab, but once the initial sadness wore off I realised that Viscera Cleanup detail is quite possibly the most fun I’ve ever had cleaning.

Usually I will put off until next month what can be done today, but here I was quick sharp to make sure all the mess was tidied away with the tools at my disposal. Now I imagine that cleaning up after people in real life is a drag, but in VCD you have quite an interesting premise powering you on.

You’re not the hero of the game, but you’re the janitor cleaning up AFTER the unknown hero has saved the day from an alien invasion. This means you’ll be grabbing more body bits and stuffing them into wet sacks than Buffalo Bill on a bank holiday.

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