10 Real Life Jobs Made INFINITELY Better By Video Games

5. Pizza Delivery (Spider-Man 2)

Spider-Man 2 PIZZA

Now I’ve heard enough horror stories about pizza delivery workers getting stiffed, pranked, robbed, or generally abused to know those out there passing out slices are doing the Lord's work.

Some video games have tried to do right by the dough deliverers. In Vice City, for example, you can wing a slice at a hungry lad or lass for a quick buck, but it’s a little arduous. The game that elevates pizza delivery to new heights is the one and only Spider-Man 2. Not only is this title still highly regarded as one of the best superhero games ever made, but the pizza delivery mini game is surprisingly spectacular.

Web slinging slices against the stop watch is brilliant as it not only allows you to play around with the game's excellent web-thwipping travel mechanic but also cements Spidey as the nicest superhero going. I mean, when was the last time Batman dropped you off a Lebanese? Never: I’m still waiting on my moussaka, you grumpy git.

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Crazy Taxi
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