10 Real Life Jobs Made INFINITELY Better By Video Games

2. Firefighter (The Firemen)

Firemen 2
Human Entertainment

Now this job is by no means boring and if you know any firefighters or are one yourselves then you have my purest respect as what you do, putting your lives on the line to help save people, property and nature is outstanding. However, I don’t think you’ve had the joy of fighting sentient fire as a cutesy animated sprite as you can do in the SNES title The Firemen.

Pete and Daniel are our two firemen and they're tasked with entering a massive office block which was having its Christmas party until some blob probably tried pissing in the microwave and up in flames she went. Now Pete is the responsible one, chilled, composed, moustached. Danny on the other hand is bloody mad. He doesn’t mess about with any water or anything like that: Danny, ATTACKS fire with a GOODAM AXE.

Now I’d be useless in a firefighting situation. I get asthma from a hot bath and my technique to put things out would be to chuck loaves of wet bread at it, but here, well hot damn I feel like at true fire fighting pro.

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