10 Real Life Jobs Made INFINITELY Better By Video Games

3. Farmer (Harvest Moon)

Harvest Moon

Waking up at 4am in the morning to go collect eggs sounds like hell right? First off, that’s an ungodly hour, and second, take your eggs and shove 'em. So why oh why is it that many gamers the world over enjoy nothing more than strapping on the feed bag and farming the hell out of titles like Harvest Moon, Terraria and Stardew Valley?

It’s because somehow these games make the mundanity of watering crops, looking after livestock and splitting more barks than cleaving a dog in two extremely enjoyable. It’s a passivity, a routine, a nurturing experience that’s hard coded into these titles, and it all comes without the monetary investment, the acute agricultural pressures and worries that come from real life farming. Plus I don’t know why but farming games seem to have a lot of romance options and I’m not sure there’s many people swiping right on Tinder out in the absolute arse end of nowhere.

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