10 Reasons 2025 Is Make Or Break For Triple-A Games

4. The Unknown Future of Ubisoft

Grand Theft Auto VI

2025 will mark a major turning point for one of the biggest publishers in the industry - Ubisoft. 

The company didn't exactly have a stellar 2024, to be kind, with the underwhelming performances of Star Wars Outlaws and XDefiant contributing to Ubisoft's stock price halving throughout the year.

Rumours swirled during 2024 that the company would be acquired by an outfit such as Tencent, and while it hasn't happened yet, it seems highly probable sometime this year.

It goes without saying that an acquisition would cause major uncertainty in the games industry and especially to Ubisoft's 18,000+ employees, especially if a company such as Tencent opted to dismantle Ubisoft's underperforming assets and sell them off.

If Ubisoft's presence in the gaming space were diminished or even erased entirely, it would certainly leave a huge chasm behind, especially in the AAA sphere where the publisher has so many flagship franchises installed.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.