10 Reasons AAA Video Games Keep Bombing

8. Focusing On Live Services

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Xbox Game Studios

There was a time when the prospect of a live service game sounded appealing. With updated content being added over time, there would always be something new to do so that players would keep coming back for more.

With Destiny, Fortnite, and Warzone dominating the charts during the honeymoon period with live service titles, nowadays the love affair has officially worn off. Now, this model has become little more than a lazy means of studios to generate money.

While there are still a handful of games out there that know how to implement a live service into their ecosystems (look no further than Sea Of Thieves' constantly evolving world), this is the exception to the rule. Nowadays, AAA games put their live service front and centre.

To see how damaging this business move can be, just look at Halo Infinite.

With progression in the multiplayer mode tied solely to overpriced season passes and cosmetics, grinding through the challenge-based level system quickly becomes a soulless endeavour. Likewise, with 343 putting all their focus into the free multiplayer mode rather than the paid-for campaign, it was clear to players that the studio was more interested in making money than the next gen Halo game fans wanted.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.