10 Reasons You Should Avoid The Sims 4

3. Disappearing Sims

In the beginning of The Sims there were limitations. There were things that you just couldn't reasonably do, whether from a lack of money, a lack of technology, of development time or skill, or just because the scope of the game wasn't that ambitious when the first game was launched. But it wasn't too long before the Sims began to live in an open world, and a world where seeing them go to work became normal in The Sims 3. Well, as the saying goes, two step forwards means three steps back. With all the new fancy technology built into The Sims 4, it seems that they had a huge and irresistible longing for a simpler time. A time when the games just weren't as good. They took away the ability to see your sims at work. Now they simply disappear as they did in The Sims 2. There is an innovation in that you can give direction to your sims while they work, whether to work on making friends, or controlling their incessant need to urinate on the floor, but is it really innovation if you have to remove another much more interesting part of the game?
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The Sims 4
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A Video Game Writer and Editor based in Central London, who has a background in Theatrical Lighting, Directing and Playwriting.