10 Reasons Behind Why Your Favourite Video Game Franchises Died

2. Silent Hill Went To America And Got Lost In Translation

Silent Hill Shattered Memories

After four main entries under the watchful eye of longtime developer Team Silent, the Silent Hill series was starting to feel a bit stale. Wanting to chase the Resident Evil 4 revolution, the Japanese team that headed up those classic early games were taken off the series completely, as publisher Konami looked to other developers from across the globe to put their own spin on the survival horror title.

Unfortunately, once Konami switched up developers and gave studios from the West a go at their horror franchise Silent Hill devolved into a shell of its former self. Losing the charm of the original games, the first few titles felt like poor initiations of Team Silent's signature style, while the later releases played more like budget versions of Silent Hill rather than true blockbuster experiences.

And even then, after years of disappointing fans with sub-par releases, Konami stealthily announced a new major entry into the series with the P.T PlayStation demo in 2014, before quickly giving it the axe after a public fall out with the game's developer. A controversy which leads us nicely onto how...


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3