10 Reasons Behind Why Your Favourite Video Game Franchises Died

1. Konami Screwed Over The Staff Of Metal Gear Solid V

metal gear solid v 5 big boss

Reports of Konami's meddling with Metal Gear Solid V had been circulating almost a year before the game itself was due to hit shelves. With the company allegedly taking aim at series director Hideo Kojima, the man who had pioneered classic titles for Konami for decades, the publisher began to stealthily remove the developer's name from the marketing and box art, with rumours swirling that he had been taken off the title in its final months completely.

It wasn't until after the title dropped that the true extent of the meddling was revealed however. While still working to finish the game, Kojima was no longer allowed to directly oversee production, forced instead to communicate to his team through third parties to get even the most basic directives across.

More than that though Konami allegedly brought its iron fist down on all the developers working on the game, installing cameras throughout its offices, monitoring and limiting access to e-mails and shaming the individuals who complained.

So ever wonder why the second half of The Phantom Pain just reuses old levels and feels plain unfinished? Why the team suddenly disbanded after they finished this final game? Why Kojima rarely ever speaks about Metal Gear at all? You can blame it all on the Orwellian breakup of this 30-year marriage between publisher and developer.


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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3