10 Reasons Behind Why Your Favourite Video Game Franchises Died

5. Mass Effect: Andromeda Was Made In 18 Months

Mass Effect Andromeda Multiplayer

A recent revealing exposé from Kotaku shone some light onto the disastrous development of the latest Mass Effect sequel, and all things considered, it's a surprise that Bioware Montreal were able to make a game as well as they did.

Originally planned to be a much more open title with a seemingly infinite array of procedurally generated planets to explore, the developers of Andromeda spent years trying to realise their ambitious vision on the difficult game engine they had to work with.

As deadlines loomed however the team had to strip down their initial plans for the game, going from wanting to include hundreds of planets to a mere 30, and eventually scaling down to the paltry six that the game shipped with.

But it turns out that internal conflict and severe understaffing were the title's main problems in the end, with big name creatives leaving mid-way through production and problems with the game's tech impacting the development of the core story.

It meant that although the title was worked on for years, the bulk of it was created within a small 18-month window that took the game down to the wire, leaving Bioware with no time to polish the buggy experience that hit shelves earlier this year.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3