10 Reasons Behind Why Your Favourite Video Game Franchises Died

4. TimeSplitters 4 Developers Couldn't Catch A Break

Timesplitters FP 2
Free Radical Design

TimeSplitters 4 was actually announced way back in 2007, but quickly went dark after developers at Free Radical ran into financial trouble a year later. With the team being purchased by Crytek, ultimately becoming known as Crytek UK, the fourth game in the series was put on hold indefinitely.

But that didn't stop former developers from teasing the title's potential return. In interviews over the next few years Crytek UK would go back and forth on the issue of a new TimeSplitters game, while rumours began to swirl about a new release entering development in 2011.

However, while they escaped bankruptcy when they were bought out in 2008, Crytek UK's new parent company ran into their own financial troubles a couple years later, with the studio suffering massive layoffs in the process.

The remainder of the team were transferred to Dambuster Studios to work with Deep Silver on the latest Homefront sequel, extinguishing the final glimmer of hope for a future entry in this beloved series.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3