10 Reasons Call Of Duty Must Be Boots On The Ground After Infinite Warfare
Seriously, did anyone really ask for this new direction in the first place?

Call of Duty's love-it-or-hate-it reputation is positively monolithic by this point, and true to form it continues to see tough times, with the lukewarm reception to Infinite Warfare dominating headlines across the board.
Massive dislike bombs on the various trailers, awful pre-order numbers that were a shadow of Black Ops 3, and widespread negative opinion from it’s most ardent fans are just a few of the problems this title has encountered on it’s way to store shelves.
There are a myriad of reasons as to why the title has garnered such hate. Some say it’s dissatisfaction from the psudo-gambling supply drop system, while others claim it to be deep-seated distrust of Infinity Ward after the debacle that was Ghosts.
However, it’s undeniable that one of the biggest targets of this 'hate campaign' is the 3D movement system. After two games of varying quality that featured boost jumping and sci-fi mechanics, most fans were hoping for a more realistic and modern setting. Unfortunately, we were met with more of the same sci-fi silliness.
Most can agree that it would be great if the series went back to its roots, so here are ten reasons why we should move away from sci-fi and bring things back to Earth.
10. Go Back To Basics

As the Call of Duty franchise and it's multi-player has trudged on over the years, the games have gotten increasingly more complex. Usually these complexities tended to be subtle and are part of the meta-game, examples being the mechanics around how C4's detonate, or how gun attachments work.
However, the 3D movement system that was introduced in Advanced Warfare has made the multiplayer aspect of the game much more unpredictable to say the least. Some of this stems from the fact that AW had some of the worst map design in the franchise, with no sense of what gets referred to as 'map flow' to be seen. Black Ops 3 on the other hand, did have way better map designs and a sense of map flow, but was few and far between.
Yet, many times one-on-one gunfights can be frustrating when you have someone on the ropes and they suddenly disappear in a blur of boost-sliding - then you quickly die. While you could argue that we should just get used to the new movement system, it has to be said that this makes the game frustrating when you see the enemy team just floating around in the air.
Go back and play any of the 'boots on the ground' games; the flow and the feel of the game is radically different when you don't have to be constantly scanning the skies for enemies, or you don't have guys randomly boost-sliding away.
Going back to this would do wonders for the franchise in an era where other FPS games are trying out 3D movement as well.