10 Reasons Doom Is Already The Best Shooter Of 2016

10. It's Not All About The Grind

doom chainsaw.gif

When did levelling up in games stop being fun? As the first-person shooter genre gets more and more bloated and franchises push out sequel after sequel, skill trees and unlocks just don't seem as interesting as they used to. It doesn't help that developers keep giving us the same goodies as rewards either; there's only so many times you can hit level 5 and unlock a red-dot sight in a game before the novelty wears off.

But even then, the obsessive desire to continually level up online is seemingly why some titles exist at all. From Destiny to even Call of Duty, it seems that these days people are only grinding their way through online matches to see what gun they'll unlock next, rather than because they're actually enjoying playing.

This is where Doom steps in. Stripping out all of those needless perks and gun add-ons that you're forced to painstakingly unlock in other games, Bethesda's latest just gives you everything you need up front. Sure you can unlock customisable armour as you go from level to level, but that's a purely aesthetic feature and doesn't impact the way your game plays at all.

Instead of enticing you with the possibility that one more match might be enough to get that shiny new scope you've been wanting, Doom expects you to stick around purely because it knows how good its gameplay is.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3