10 Reasons #GamerGate Was A Failure

7. Believing A Jilted Ex

Nothing could ever game from a jilted ex. Watergate wasn't uncovered because one of Richard Nixon's frustrated mistresses divulged a load of information to the press - it's because a couple of dogged, passionate journalists dug around (in the most ethical way possible, natch) into a government that was rotten from the core. Similarly, the French Revolution began because of rising class tensions and the growing gap between theocracy and democracy. Again, it didn't kick off because somebody had been dumped and they wanted to get their own back on the aristocracy. #GamerGate had not such auspicious beginnings. The whole thing began because the aforementioned Zoe Quinn's ex-boyfriend, Eron Gjoni, had been broken up with and was moping about it. And wrote a blog post about it. Yes, the entire movement was sparked by somebody's whiny diary entry about how they'd been dumped and life was unfair. Somehow he managed to spin it into a "journalistic ethics" scandal which, as previously mentioned, is 100% untrue. All of this is down to, essentially, a LiveJournal post. That's pretty embarrassing when you think about it.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/