Once again, a disclaimer: obviously not everybody involved with #GamerGate is an abusive monster. But there are enough of those to go around in the movement to completely taint their reputation. Which is clear from the vast caches of evidence Zoe Quinn herself (amongst others, corroborating her claims) has amassed of internet users who class themselves as part of the movement organising the systematic doxxing of herself, friends and family, discussing death threats and the like, along with a whole lot of examples of them admitting the whole thing has nothing to do with ethics, and everything to do with bad old fashioned misogyny. You can look at a whole chronological timeline of such evidence, collected from the 4chan message boards and supposedly "covert" IRC chat rooms, which puts paid to many of the arguments mad against Quinn and other people who have received endless harassment as a result of #GamerGate: there are those who were sceptical that they'd been hacked, received any threats, all that jazz - which would've been way more believable if they hadn't discussed doing those things in public. Also, Elon was involved, so that's cool.
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/