10 Reasons God Of War Is The PS4's Best Exclusive

8. Combat Is Ludicrously Satisfying

God Of War

While some hardcore fans might decry the series' battle system being so radically overhauled, it's a change that's mostly for the better, once fans have given themselves a little time to adjust to the slower yet more varied combat on offer.

The best thing to say about God of War's new combat suite is that it gives the player an insane number of options: fighting never becomes monotonous because there are so many ways to take an enemy down, especially once you reach the later stages of the game.

While not an especially difficult game (at least until you reach the post-game content), even on Normal difficulty it will pound you into the ground if you're not paying attention. In order to reach the end credits, players will need to masterfully juggle dodging, attacking and making smart use of Atreus' arrow attacks, which is extremely gratifying and never gets old.

Again, some may miss the gonzo, breakneck, face-ripping madness of the earlier games, but there's a greater sense of skill and precision to the combat here that's been earning it apt comparisons to the Dark Souls franchise.

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God of War
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.