10 Reasons Infamous: Second Son Will Be The PS4's First Essential Title
6. Intriguing New Characters And Story
As far as superhero standards go, the Infamous games have always boasted a pretty imaginative and well executed storyline. Everyone remembers the shocking twist towards the end of the first game - and if you don't then you just haven't played it - and Infamous 2 gave us Dr. Manhattan in video game form with the Beast. Sucker Punch also had the gutsy decision to *spoilers* kill off the protagonist in Cole McGrath with a heroic sacrifice at the end of that game. Infamous: Second Son seems to be upping the ante in all areas, and is seemingly ready to express some social commentary throughout its depiction of a tyrannical government that essentially rules in fear. The game developers have even taken this awesome quote from Benjamin Franklin and used it to describe some of the themes that they are aiming for:
Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
It's a thematic element that is sure to stir the pot regarding the gun control debate in America. In general, the narrative is aiming pretty high for a series that is widely just about superheroes doing awesome things, but I actually have faith that Sucker Punch can pull it off and add some interesting insight to the never-ending conversation regarding oppressive governments. And then there's the new protagonist Delsin Rowe, whom honestly seems like a snarky wisecracker, but he is sure to have some serious moments too considering the dramatic nature of the narrative. All in all, everything is shaping up to be very interesting.