10 Reasons Mario Is Actually A Terrible Role Model

2. He's Obsessed With Money

mario-coins It should come as no surprise that someone who chose plumbing as a profession is utterly obsessed with money, I am sure Mario wouldn't think twice about charging £100 for a one hour call out and he would probably steal some of your food while he was at it. His fixation on those gold coins though is perhaps the real reason why he so often pursues Princess Peach, I mean think about it, why on earth would a princess go for a plumber? He is playing her in order to gain access to her wealth which she apparently leaves scattered around the Mushroom Kingdom. Telling children that all they should care about is money is not the action of a good role model, though it might lead to the parents ending up in a pretty fancy retirement home so perhaps the grown up can let this one slide.
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Tom is a budding novelist and film critic who is slowly coming to terms with the fact he might be too old to play for Arsenal. Follow him on Twitter for updates on his lunch @TomGilchrist