10 Reasons The Next Console Generation Is A Huge Disappoinment

10. Wii U's Wait For Greatness

The Wii U has been available for roughly 18 months now, and after the incredible success of the Wii (which has sold over 100 million units to date), expectations were high that Nintendo would again sweep the floor with Microsoft and Sony. However, sales have been slow (it's already been overtaken by the PS4, and the Xbox One is gaining on it), and this has in large part been attributed to the lack of exciting first-party titles on the console. After all, Nintendo lives and dies by their first-party line-up rather than multi-platform titles: the big sellers are always the Mario, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros., Zelda games and so on, but where are they? We've had Mario in the form of the launch title New Super Mario Bros. U, and the well-reviewed Super Mario 3D World (which incredulously came out a whole year after the console released), but Mario Kart 8 isn't due out until the end of May, while the new Super Smash Bros. is penciled in for the end of the year, and nobody knows when the new Zelda game is coming out yet. We're finally getting the AAA titles trickling down now, but it's still a painstakingly long wait before Wii U owners will have a library of excellent, console-exclusive games. Short of a major shake-up at E3, there probably won't be much point buying one for another 6 months or so.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.