10 Reasons The Next Console Generation Is A Huge Disappoinment
9. Indie Games Are Shaming AAA Titles
The new generation of gaming has continued to build upon the indie revolution of the past gen, where Xbox Live Arcade and PSN allowed small developers to self-publish games, and make them available to players digitally at an affordable price. This resulted in a number of immensely popular indie titles, including Braid, Limbo, Super Meat Boy, Trials, Super Stardust HD, and so on. The trend has continued in the new generation, with Sony especially catering to indie studios, what with the superb Resogun being offered as a free launch title for PS4 owners. These indie games typically aren't blessed with the budgets of major studio releases, but they're often far more enjoyable and charming: take the fantastically frustrating Trials Fusion released mid-April. It's easily more entertaining than pretty much any full-price game released on either the Xbox One or PS4 to date, and at such a small asking price of £15.99, is also considerably better value for money than the £49.99 RRP you'll pay for "proper" titles. It's pretty embarrassing that these indie titles are running away with the consoles so far, considering that most of said games could easily be played on a medium-grade PC, or worse still, a PS3 or Xbox 360. What, then, is the point of having this expensive piece of kit in the first place?
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.