10 Reasons The Next Console Generation Is A Huge Disappoinment
8. PS4's Long Waits For Vital Updates
When Sony first unveiled the PS4, they announced a wealth of exciting features, such as the ability to suspend the console mid-game and resume it seamlessly, and to have a friend jump in to assist you during a tough part of a game. It was later announced that these features and many others would not be available on launch, but instead be patched in later on. It's almost 6 months later and we're still waiting for this, as well as many other much-requested features, like the ability to turn off the Dual Shock 4's light bar, MP3 support, better organisation and YouTube support for uploading videos. Some of these are pretty basic aspects of the console that people were expecting to be working by now: seriously, how long can it take to implement a menu option to disable the DS4 light bar? Some have grown impatient and done it themselves with the help of a screwdriver, but for the more cautious gamers, they really shouldn't have to wait this long for simple but much-needed features to be added.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.