In 2010, in order to jump on the bandwagon of motion controls and compete with Nintendo, Microsoft released the Kinect for the Xbox 360. However, unlike its competition, the Kinect lacks any controller at all: using a motion sensing camera, the peripheral follows the players movements and inputs them into the system, allowing you to directly control and interact with the Xbox 360. The Kinect also acts as a means to broaden the appeal of video games, allowing those who find a standard controller to daunting a task to participate. The peripheral is by all means a success, selling over 10 million copies since its release. Yet despite the monetary success, as well as being a legitimately impressive piece of technology, the Kinect has had the same problem that other motion control systems have had: appealing to anyone other than the casual gamer. Anyone I know that owns a Kinect played with it for a couple weeks then soon forgot about it and moved on. It now sits and collects dust, only used for the occasional menu operation via voice. Now, two years later, nobody seems to be talking about it, no real games are released on a regular basis, and in general it sits in a vacuum alone and unattended. How could something as supposedly revolutionary as the Kinect be cared about so little? Well, thats what Im here for. Here are 10 reasons why nobody cares about the Kinect.