10 Reasons Non-Gamers Wrongly Hate Gaming

5. 'I Had A Bad Experience With Gaming'

meet the pyro This is one of the few understandable criticisms which can be made of the hobby - an unfortunate experience with a server full of overbearing tryhards and mic shriekers is enough to alienate even a seasoned gamer from a particular title. They key thing to remember about online gaming is this: servers are a lot like pubs and bars, with their good nights and truly awful nights. Some days you'll go in and you'll get talking to a kind stranger at the counter who ends up offering you a lot of wise advice and introduces you to some good friends. The next day you could go in and be met with a congress of drunken letches and see someone vomiting over the cutlery tray. No two nights are the same on public servers so it's always worth going back and trying a game again if the main problem was the people rather than the game itself. Multiplayer gaming isn't everyone's thing and there are a wealth of gems out there for people prefer a solo gaming experience. Classics like Diablo II and Theme Hospital still stand up very well today, while more modern titles like Borderlands combine wonderful graphics with an atmosphere so immersive you can almost feel the desert winds running through your hair. Dismissing all games based on one bad experience is like saying all music is terrible after hearing one bad song - there are entire worlds of experiences just waiting to be discovered and it'd be a shame to let one negative experience ruin that.
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Enthusiastic fan of physics, gaming and bad quiz shows. Feel free to contact via twitter (@roguestardust).