10 Reasons Non-Gamers Wrongly Hate Gaming

2. 'Games Aren't Art'

lich king dragon

An interesting question to ask about this assertion is why some people are so intent on asserting that games aren't art. There's almost an air of snobbery surrounding these lofty claims and every time I hear it I can't help wondering 'what do you have to gain from telling anyone this?' It would take someone about three minutes to play through the excellent You Have To Burn The Rope and yet we're often subjected to torture by aching superiority for far longer that that. Why? Is there a secret membership at stake here or something? In a lot of ways video games should be the perfect addition to an art fan's collection: visual styles ranging from grimy realism to living brushstrokes, new and often bizarre perspectives on the world and plots so evocative they could make even a Cyberman cry. Games have moved on a great deal since Manic Miner and Asteroids, it's just a shame there are some people refusing to progress with them.
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Enthusiastic fan of physics, gaming and bad quiz shows. Feel free to contact via twitter (@roguestardust).