10 Reasons Why The Original Dungeon Keeper Is Still Devilishly Awesome

3. Immersion And Atmosphere

In a hybrid of 2D sprites and 3D environments, Dungeon Keeper would set itself a unique aesthetic, and there is a certain charm and allure that compels you into this world. Dungeon Keeper is a game that undeniably nails atmospherics. This is not only attributed to the impressive lighting and particle effects, but to the way the world is designed and animated €“ flames in the wall torches dance and flicker, casting light across the bricked walls of your tunnels, and mysterious fog oozes from your Graveyard, dissipating as it lingers and draws further away. The mood and tone the game creates could easily be ported into a horror or exploration game and still give the exact same vibe. The chanting monks in the games intro and during gameplay can still give a sense of tension and uneasiness, even today. The mentor also barks commanding lines, warning you of a breach or to the fact that your minions are starving and have nowhere to live. There is so much personality in each creature and hero when you focus on their animations and sounds. Dark Mistresses deliver blood-curling screams in combat and seductive shrieks when taking a liking to the whip (she even gets happy when slapped, even repeatedly). Demon Spawn unleash their gritty battle cries in the heat of battle and yelp frightened whimpers when slapped once or five or six times. The sound design imbues the entire game with life and energy. Climactic battles are pretty impressive both audibly and visually, with an orchestra of roars, cries and screams accompanied with blistering magic, clanking armour, bloodshed and explosions.

Ardent gaming enthusiast who lusts for a taste of working in the industry. Fighting game bruiser who would play professionally if he could learn to block just that little bit more. Bartender on the side and used to be a freelance Makeup Artist. Enthralls everywhere he goes.