10 Reasons PS Vita Is Easily Better Than Nintendo Switch

3. MUCH Better Storefront

PS Vita storefront

The Switch storefront is less a consumer-friendly way to highlight specific content, deals and projects, and something more akin to a blog.

All games are listed in one ginormous feed, separated by only the most paltry categories - be they custom text searching, "Deals", "Recent Releases" and "Coming Soon".

There's no delineation between higher quality games from notable studios and what feels like a never-ending stream of mobile ports, quick buck cash-ins and smartphone shovelware trash.

On Vita you at least get the feeling Sony curate what appears on the platform, separating triple-A from everything else across a number of filters. Top Sellers, Top Picks/Featured, Latest etc., plus a host of videos and easy access to your account's download list to keep on top of storage allocation.

Again, it's not even close. The Switch's eShop feels like an in-house prototype the company continued to run with, versus something that has form and function in equal measure.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.