10 Reasons PS Vita Is Easily Better Than Nintendo Switch

4. Cloud Storage, Media Apps, Internet Browser, Custom Backgrounds & Multi-Tasking

Ps Vita Media Apps

A quick glance across the internet with the words "Nintendo Switch rushed" will bring up a myriad of opinions and think-pieces, mostly relating to how insanely threadbare it was at launch - not to mention how Nintendo are forever playing catchup. Things like the delayed online service benefitted consumers by not charging for competitive play, but there's a HUGE amount of very basic features that all exist on Vita.

Media apps like Netflix, Crunchyroll and many sport streaming services are supported, there's a more than capable internet browser, you can have multiple tasks on the go (not just a game and the e-shop) and custom backgrounds with multiple images per screen are available too.

Not to mention, Sony have supported cloud saves for years - something the Wii U was dogged for not doing, and the Switch didn't launch with either. Nintendo are just getting around to adding such an essential feature later in 2018, but at time of writing we have no idea how it will work in regards to data allowance per person.

All of which is to say, console feature comparisons are one of those things where you don't realise how much isn't available until it hits you.

Nintendo have a lot of catching up to do, simple as.

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