10 Reasons Why The Resident Evil Series Is Dead

9. It's Not Scary Anymore

It's no co-incidence that Capcom have moved on to big explosions, instead of smaller, more atmospheric scares such as those seen earlier in the series. Each of those moments - coming face-to-face with that first zombie, being scared into running for the nearest doorway by those dogs - had weight, the impact to cause a stir in your emotions. When was the last time you were truly scared playing a Resident Evil game? In the 5th entry to the infamous series, the developers tried to shift the dynamic from more traditional monsters to real people, who moved quickly and were out for blood. In doing so, they added a more human element, which is far less daunting that fighting against unknown, creepy forces such as giant, mutated spiders which climb on the ceiling and spray acid at you.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.