10 Reasons Rocksteady's Next Arkham Game Should Be Batwoman

2. It Would Provide Some Much Needed LGBT* Representation

Batwoman Maggie Sawyer
DC Comics

LGBT* representation in video games is a topic close to many people's hearts, and for good reason. LGBT* rep in video games is rarely ever substantial, with developers either opting for piecemeal allusions to a character's given sexuality, or explicit depictions ranging from the cliched to just the completely offensive.

Kate Kane deserves better, and there's no doubt Rocksteady could be the ones to marshall her journey in the medium. All they have to do is mirror her depiction in the comics, and the medium would finally have a Triple-A title centred around a lesbian protagonist. It's well overdue, and while Arkham has never really broached romance in the past, there's no reason why they couldn't in Batwoman-centric Arkham title.

With Kate and Maggie engaged to be wed in Arkham Knight, they could even follow through with that and commit to their marriage in the game. When do we ever see married superhero couples anymore? Never - let alone in the comics themselves.

Factor in the Easter egg that referenced Renee Montoya, a GCPD detective who later becomes the Question, and who's a former flame of Kate's, and you have the chance for some genuinely valuable LGBT* rep in the Arkhamverse.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.