10 Reasons The PS4 Will Always Be Better Than The Xbox One

6. The Exclusive Features - Share Play, Instant Image Capture, Button Mapping Etc.

Just got access to a screenshot function have we, Xbox? Yeah, PS4's had that since launch - and it doesn't have to be voice-activated either, meaning you're not fumbling around trying to 'capture the moment' as the Xbox itself sits and ignores you. You're free to dive into a pop-up menu too, but even that is a couple button presses too many for immediate the functionality this thing is supposed to have. One of the biggest innovations the Xbox One was planning on having until Microsoft reversed all its policies on used games and digital rights management (the idea of 'owning' your game's license instead of the case it's in), was the notion of selecting a good few of your friends that could be flagged under a family setting - and who could then share your game library for a limited time. This went away as they struggled to regain footing across the last two years, but it let Sony implement their own version - Share Play. It lets you play 'local' coop games with someone across the world by beaming them into the lobby, or better yet allows anyone you like - regardless of their location - to play the titles on your hard drive while you watch, meaning you can try out a friend's game without having to plonk down the cash.
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PS4 XBox One
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