10 Reasons The PS4 Will Always Be Better Than The Xbox One

7. Sony's E3 Smackdown Will Never Be Beaten

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ-To7WJyWs Last point about 2013, but this one really was unbelievable - basically at the time Microsoft had held their own conference to announce the Xbox One, annoying gamers worldwide when it then trickled out that the new system wouldn't support the lending of games unless the person in question had been on your friend list for a considerable amount of time. This was most likely to 'force' you to buying your own copies of everything and cutting off the 'trade-in culture' aspect of gaming that had grown so large across the previous generations. Everyone expected Sony to follow suit - it made the most sense business-wise, and even though consumers would be royally infuriated, if both they and Microsoft allied together at least they could work out the kinks and show people some benefits. Instead, they went completely in the other direction - addressing the crowd of thousands and scores watching at home that the PS4 would support sharing games just like before - receiving a rapturous, console-war winning cheer in return. Moments like this are more reserved for sports arenas than gaming trade shows, but the reaction from the crowd, the look on Jack Tretton's face as he knows he's telling the world what they want to hear, and the assumed look on every employee back at Microsoft of pure bafflement all combines to make this one hell of a statement of intent that many say the latter could never recover from.
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