10 Reasons Titanfall Is A Call Of Duty Killer

1. It's A Natural Evolution Of COD

What all of this makes clear is that, while COD was for a while the untouchable master of the FPS (and even as Battlefield came along and thoroughly bested it, it's remained the most popular), times are a-changing, and as more innovative FPS titles come along that capture the public's imagination, it's going to be difficult for COD to stay on top if it doesn't innovate itself. Some have joked that Titanfall is basically Call Of Duty: Future Warfare or "COD with mechs", but that shouldn't be taken as the flippant criticism it might initially appear to be. After all, COD was a once-groundbreaking gem of an FPS that changed the online landscape forever, and even if it feels like its time on top is winding down (the next game's sales figures will be very interesting to observe), we should be grateful that we have a successor as brilliant as this to take the mantle. Now, hopefully Respawn will be sensible enough to wait at least 2 years before releasing the next one... What do you make of Titanfall so far? Let us know in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.