10 Reasons Titanfall Is A Call Of Duty Killer

2. Regeneration

Along with COD's innovative leveling system, one of the more famous features is the ability to Prestige, to restart from Level 1 once you hit the level cap, usually with the penalty of resetting challenges or equipment acquired up to that point. The problem is that once most players have hit Prestige once, their enthusiasm for the game trails off, while a few hardcore obsessives will keep plugging away for their ridiculous 10th Prestige (apparently while playing no other games all year). When you hit Level 50 in Titanfall, you will regenerate, which is basically the same as Prestige, except Respawn have come up with a novel way to keep players interested. Each regeneration gives you an accelerated rate of acquiring XP, such that the tenth and final generation will allow you to level up at 3.5x the speed of your first run-through. This is a clever way of incentivising play and also making it seem less like a repetitive slog every time you hit the milestone. Essentially, it means that the first time you hit Level 50, you've already done the hardest part.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.