4. The Simplicity

Now quite a few of you re going to disagree with this, but I found WoW to be extremely easy both at the beginning which is understandable and at the higher levels. You see I come from the world of FF11 where smashing the same key over and over and screaming for the healer doesn't work. Blizzard don't seem to get the idea of making monsters more difficult, they think that if you throw in more and more monsters the difficulty curve will go up, That being said, it does seem to fit today's gaming standard of making everything easier. People don't want to actually think about tackling the next monster they just want to rush straight in and smash every button in the hope something works. Sure guilds will spend hours planning their raids, but in the end each person does the same thing over and over and uses the same old spells and attacks. There's no variety and there's no challenge to it, it seems the challenge in WoW is who has the shiniest equipment and spends the most hours playing.