10 Reasons To Replay Final Fantasy IX After 20 Years

5. Captivating Mini Games

Final Fantasy IX intro

There are mini games in Final Fantasy IX that put the Golden Saucer to shame. Not only are there fun one-off activities, but some of them continue through the whole game.

There’s a Qu’s marsh and Chocobo Forest on each continent, and every Moogle seems to want mail. As you progress through the story, you’ll progress through these little side-quests too, and some can be quite rewarding.

In the Qu’s Marsh sections, you’ll control Quina in a frog-capturing mini game, which is frustrating at first, but easy once you get the timing down. The more you achieve, the better the items you get. If you remain consistent with this throughout the game, it will lead to a friendly spar with Quina’s master, and if successful, Quina’s best weapon.

It is the Mognet, however, that adds a whole new dimension to the game’s world and story. Moogles, staple Final Fantasy creatures, act as save points in the game, but they’re also characters in their own right. Curious about what their fellow moogles are up to, they ask Zidane & co. to pass messages to each other. These messages reveal various things, including how major events in the game are affecting moogle culture.

Also, there’s a trading card game that you can play with almost every NPC. It’s fun, and a game in itself.


An all round nerd from North Wales.